D5Courier Shipping bags now available!

D5Courier Shipping bags now available!

Shipping bags / packs now available for letter and small parcels

e can supply you with free shipping bags for your shipments. These bags are made with recyclable plastic, so once you're done with them, they can be dropped off at a recycling center, such as General Grants in Kamloops. They are 16" x 13" in size to hold any types of documents etc.W

Free with a shipment with D5Courier

When completing your online booking, be sure to check the box asking if you require a free shipping bag.

Selection section from D5Courier booking software

For those accounts that ship regularly with D5Courier, ask us for a bunch and we'll drop them off for you the next time we're at your location for a pickup.

We're glad to offer this new service to our growing number of customers in the Kamloops area!

Sample of a D5Courier Kamloops shipping bag for letters and small items
Sample of a D5Courier shipping bag for letters and small items.